AB Horizon 2020 Programı'nda Sosyo-Ekonomik ve Beşeri Bilimler Alanı 2015 yılı çağrısı açılmıştır
Avrupa Birliği Horizon 2020 Programı'nda “Değişen Dünyada Avrupa; Kapsayıcı, Yenilikçi ve Yansıtıcı Toplumlar” Alanı 2015 Çağrısı açılmıştır. Çağrı 28 Mayıs 2015 tarihine kadar açık kalacaktır. Horizon 2020 Programı'nda Sosyo-Ekonomik ve Beşeri Bilimler alanı araştırmacılarına yönelik açılan en kapsamlısı olarak nitelendirilebilecek çağrı, aşağıda belirtilen konu başlıklarından da anlaşılacağı üzere başta bilgi ve iletişim teknolojileri araştırmacıları olmak üzere farklı disiplinden pekçok araştırmacıya hitap etmektedir.
Açık çağrı başlıkları aşağıda özetlenmektedir.
- INSO-1-2015: ICT-enabled open government
- INSO-4-2015: Innovative schemes for open innovation and science 2.0
- INSO-5-2015: Social innovation Community
- EURO-5-2015: ERA-NET on Smart Urban Futures
- EURO-6-2015: Meeting new societal needs by using emerging technologies in the public sector
- REFLECTIVE-6-2015: Innovation ecosystems of digital cultural assets
- REFLECTIVE-11-2015: Enabling Innovation - Creating Impact from Social Sciences and Humanities
- REFLECTIVE-2-2015: Emergence and transmission of European cultural heritage and Europeanisation
- REFLECTIVE-3-2015: European cohesion, regional and urban policies and the perceptions of Europe
- REFLECTIVE-4-2015: Cultural opposition in the former socialist countries
- REFLECTIVE-5-2015: The cultural heritage of war in contemporary Europe
- REFLECTIVE-8-2015: Communication and dissemination platform
- INT-01-2015: Enhancing and focusing research and innovation cooperation with the Union’s key international partner countries - proposals targeting Australia, USA, Brazil, South Africa, Ukraine
- INT-02-2015: Encouraging the research and innovation cooperation between the Union and selected regional partners – proposals targeting Southern Mediterranean Neighbourhood, Eastern Partnership
- INT-03-2015: Europe's contribution to a value-based global order and its contestants
- INT-04-2015: The European Union's contribution to global development: in search of greater policy coherence
- INT-05-2015: Rethinking the European Union crisis response mechanism in light of recent conflicts
- INT-06-2015: Re-invigorating the partnership between the two shores of the Mediterranean
- INT-07-2015: Towards a new geopolitical order in the South and East Mediterranean region
- INT-08-2015: The European Union and the Eastern Partnership
- INT-09-2015: The European Union, Turkey and its wider neighbourhood: challenges and opportunities
- INT-10-2015: The European Union and integration challenges in the Balkans
- INT-11-2015: European cultural and science diplomacy: exploiting the potential of culture and science in the EU’s external relations
- INT-12-2015: The cultural, scientific and social dimension of EU-LAC relations
- YOUNG-3-2015: Lifelong learning for young adults: better policies for growth and inclusion in Europe
- YOUNG-4-2015: The young as a driver of social change
Sözkonusu çağrı ile detaylı bilgiye buradan ulaşabilirsiniz.
Bu içerik 25.12.2014 tarihinde yayınlandı ve toplam 762 kez okundu.