Yerel Yönetimler: Sürdürülebilir Şehirler İçin Ortaklık 2020 Teklif Çağrısı Yayınlandı

Yerel Yönetimler: Sürdürülebilir Şehirler İçin Ortaklık 2020 Teklif Çağrısı Avrupa Komisyonu tarafından yayınlandı.

Ön Başvurular için son tarih: 27 Mart 2020


This call for proposals is divided in four geographic lots and two horizontal lots:

Geographic lots

Lot 1: Partnerships for sustainable cities in Sub-Saharan Africa

Lot 2: Partnerships for sustainable cities in Asia and the Pacific

Lot 3: Partnerships for sustainable cities in Latin America and the Caribbean

Lot 4: Partnerships for sustainable cities in the Southern and Eastern Neighbourhood

Horizontal lots

Lot 5: Partnerships for sustainable towns

For this lot, the maximum size, population wise, of European local authorities is set at 150.000 inhabitants and 300.000 inhabitants for Partner countries.

Lot 6: Partnerships for sustainable cities in fragile countries

The 15 “extremely fragile” countries included in the OCDE list are eligible for lot 6.

Applicants must clearly specify under which lot they are submitting the application in their project title.

The global objective of this Call for Proposals is to promote integrated urban development through partnerships built among Local Authorities of the EU Member States and of partner countries in accordance with the 2030 Agenda on sustainable development.

Partnerships will support Local Authorities from partner countries to address sustainable urban development through capacity building and service-delivery. Peer to peer exchanges of Local Authorities are at the heart of this approach. Actions could support the building of new partnerships or contribute to upscale long-lasting partnerships and cooperation relations.

The new political priorities of the EU, and notably the “New Green Deal”, will be taken into account by raising the importance of sustainability enhancement in the different specific objectives.

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Bu içerik 19.02.2020 tarihinde yayınlandı ve toplam 159 kez okundu.